Title - Trullo
Client - Square Peg Random House
Year - 2017
Discipline - Art direction & book design
Art direction and book design for London restaurant Trullo.
Approached by Square Peg to work alongside the Guardian Feast team on Trullo's recipe book, we wanted to create a relaxed cook book that perfectly reflected the restaurant and Tim's approach to cooking. With a strong and loved identity already, we simply took cues form their blue and gold signage and their clean plating/ service aesthetic. All the food was to plated as it would for the restaurant but with a wide range of props to break the book's rhythm and not make it all too restaurant-y (editor's term) so the home cook could work with it. From there the layouts and typography were designed to make the use as easy as possible to navigate with deep inserts for the ingredients and justified type on the body copy.
Additionally we decided to use the chapter openers to give us a little glimpse behind the scenes and show how the restaurant prep for the day work's as well as featuring portraits of the chefs.
BTS at Padella for pasta section + abbreviated pitch deck of the cover design and proposed art direction.